If there is one anime series that has captured the hearts and minds of millions, it’s Naruto. The manga, which began in 1999, was originally serialized in Shueisha’s Weekly Shonen Jump magazine before being turned into an anime by Studio Pierrot. It premiered on TV Asahi (now AT-X) in Japan in 2001 and then aired in North America on Cartoon Network. The show ran for over 400 episodes and spawned a plethora of official merchandise.
Naruto toys can be found in practically every country around the world, from toys and action figures to clothing and kitchenware. And because Naruto is popular with both kids and adults, the merchandising options are as varied as they are plentiful. Whether you’re looking for a Naruto t-shirt or want a pair of Naruto shoes, this guide should help you find everything you need.
What merchandizes Naruto?
Naruto merchandise spans a wide variety of genres including games, books, clothing, accessories, home goods, and more. Here are some of the most popular items available to buy online.
Naruto games
Whether you’re searching for a Naruto game for your mobile device or looking for a board game, you’ll probably have no problem finding something to play. Some of the most popular Naruto games include Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 4, Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm Generations, and Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm Revolution. These titles offer hours upon hours of gameplay. If you like RPGs, these games will keep you occupied for weeks at a time.
Naruto plush toys
Do you like cute little stuffed animals? If so, you’ll love Naruto plushies. There are lots of different types of Naruto plushies available. You can get a Naruto plushie that looks just like the character he/she represents or a Naruto plushie that features the character’s signature moves.
Naruto action figures
There are several Naruto action figures available but the ones that we recommend are those based on the original manga version of Naruto. These figures feature the characters as they were drawn in the first book in the series, published in 1999. This version of Naruto is known as “Baka-Naruto,” which means “dumb Naruto.” While he may not be the strongest ninja out there, he is certainly smart enough to defeat enemies with his intelligence alone.
Naruto video games
As mentioned above, Naruto has been adapted into many different forms of media, including video games. If you’d rather play Naruto than read the book or watch the anime, then look for a Naruto video game. Most Naruto video games take place during the main storyline of the manga, starting with Kakashi’s fight against Pain during the Chunin Exams. Many Naruto video games also incorporate elements from other parts of the series, such as the Ten Tails’ appearances in Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 3 and Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 4.
Naruto art prints
You can display your love for Naruto in style by purchasing various Naruto art prints. Art prints come in all shapes, sizes, and mediums. You can purchase art prints made of canvas, wood, metal, acrylic, and more.
Naruto cosplay
Cosplay is a huge hobby among fans of pop culture. Cosplayers dress up as their favorite characters whether it’s Naruto, Harry Potter, Star Wars, or any other character. Cosplayers often take photos of themselves wearing costumes and post them on social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr, and more.
Naruto clothing
Clothing is another form of merchandise that can be found for virtually any occasion. From casual wear to formal occasions, you’ll find plenty of Naruto apparel to choose from.
Naruto hoodies
Hoodies are the perfect way to stay warm in cold weather. We recommend buying a Naruto hoodie for colder temperatures. They tend to be lightweight and can be worn year round.
Naruto shirts
T-shirts are another type of shirt that you can wear when you want to express yourself. Whether you’re searching for a Naruto shirt to represent your fandom or just plain old fashion, you’ll find a large selection of Naruto shirts for sale.
Naruto socks
Socks are a great accessory for any outfit, especially in the winter months. Socks are easy to put on and remove, making them ideal for travel. We recommend buying a pair of Naruto socks if you’re traveling outside of the U.S.
Naruto jewelry
Jewelry comes in all kinds of materials and designs. It can be expensive to purchase but you don’t have to break the bank to get quality jewelry. We recommend purchasing a pair of Naruto earrings.
Naruto kitchenware
Kitchenware is another kind of item that can be purchased to add to your collection. Most Naruto kitchenware is geared toward collectors. However, you can find some useful items that you can use everyday too.
Naruto bedding sets
Bed sheets provide comfort and warmth in the bedroom. Bedding is a vital part of a good night’s sleep. Look for a Naruto bedding set to complete your room.
Naruto wall décor
Wall décor is another way to show off your love for Naruto. Décor can range from simple posters to elaborate murals. If you’re looking to add a bit of flair to your room, try decorating your walls with a Naruto poster or mural.
Naruto Wallpaper
While you might think wallpaper is only used in interior decoration, you can actually use it as a piece of art in your home. Wallpaper is usually printed on vinyl and attached to the wall using adhesive.
Naruto collectibles
Collectibles are items that are unique and rare. Collectors pay big money for these special items. You can purchase Naruto collectibles ranging from keychains to figurines.
Everything you need to know about merchandising Naruto
On the off chance that you’re new to manga, anime, or even mainstream society itself, the best game-plan is to begin little. Purchase just what you’re keen on and you won’t turn out badly. Whenever you’ve gotten comfortable with Naruto stock, you’ll likely need to grow your points of view.
Truth be told, Naruto stock is different to the point that you can without much of a stretch go through years gathering all that you see. So why not bounce right in? Simply make sure to partake in the experience.