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When consumers are concerned about stalkers, criminals, or a particular sort of fan, they typically employ bodyguards. As a result, they aid their consumers in living more pleasant personal and professional lives. If you’re thinking about becoming a bodyguard, knowing what the work entails might help you make a more well-informed decision about your professional path. In this piece, we’ll talk about what a bodyguard does, what they do, how much they get paid, what they can expect in terms of a career, and how to get started on the path to being one. The London bodyguard services are the bests there.

A bodyguard should go through the following stages:

  • The first step is to meet the basic requirements

To become a bodyguard, you must be of legal age and have the proper identification to participate in training and certification courses. A high school diploma or a GED is not enough; you must also meet the following requirements: If you’ve always wanted to be a bodyguard but aren’t of legal age to work, now is a great time to learn more about the industry and figure out what direction you want to go in the future.

  • Learn first aid and CPR from a certified instructor

To become a bodyguard, you’ll need to pass first-aid and CPR certification courses. You may be able to help your consumers feel more secure if you have these skills. To get a one-year certification card from the American Heart Association, look for CPR certification programs in your area and complete both the lessons and the evaluation. First-aid lessons may be taken both in-person and online. Basic lifesaving skills like checking for breathing and healing a cut or burn are covered in these classes.

  • The third step is to improve your tactical skills

Study and enhance your tactical knowledge and talents by enrolling in a bodyguard training programme. Some classes may be taken online, but others are offered in-person every week and involve hands-on demos. In addition to weapons instruction, first aid and advanced driving techniques are among the subjects covered in these seminars.

  • Consider pursuing a college education

Having a college degree isn’t a must, but it might be helpful to your career advancement. A two- or four-year degree might also be a bonus in impressing future employers or consumers. Find out more about related security programs, such as law enforcement or justice, that you may wish to pursue. Spend your time studying things that will interest your future employment, such as emergency services or public safety.

  • Become a bodyguard certified

Certain states require a bodyguard certification to get one in the first place. Verify your state’s requirements, and if so, sign up for the relevant training course. However, each certification has its own set of criteria, including a physical exam and an online test. Before you may petition for citizenship in several countries, you must spend a year in the military on active duty.

  • Bodyguarding abilities

In many cases, personal bodyguards are ex-military or special forces personnel who have received specialized training or have fought in combat situations in the past. Your stamina and strength give you the edge when it comes to deciding how to respond to dangerous situations and how to protect your client best.