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Athletes may need additional calories and nutrients to support their activities, including muscle building. Of course, the specific amounts needed will depend on the individual and the type, intensity, and duration of physical activity. Although it seems logical that dietary protein is important for those who are trying to increase muscle mass, the philosophy of “more is better” is not true and as you ​​learn about PhenQ here you can see why this philosophy is not true in all situations as well.

The recommendation for protein is about 0.8 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight. For your size (140 lbs. or about 64 kilograms), a minimum recommendation is about 51 grams of protein per day. However, persons who are exercising and building muscle mass may need up to 1.5 grams per kilogram of body weight. Therefore, your protein needs may be as high as 96 grams per day. Research studies have shown that protein intakes higher than this level do not contribute to greater muscle mass and may cause an unnecessary workload on the kidneys. The main influence on muscle mass gain is the amount and type of exercise.

Remember that protein is not the only nutrient that contributes to health and healthy weight gain. Adequate fluid intake is essential before, during, and after exercise sessions, as well as throughout the day. Thirst is not a sensitive indicator of hydration; therefore, you can become dehydrated even though you don’t feel thirsty.

Other nutrients, such as carbohydrates and fat, are necessary to supply energy so that protein can perform many roles in the body without being broken down for energy. And of course, vitamins and minerals are important so that carbohydrates, protein, and fat can be metabolized efficiently.

Your diet exceeds the range of recommendations for protein. Although more detail would be needed, a rough estimate of the amount of protein in your diet is between 150-200 grams. With your intake of protein in foods, the protein supplement is not necessary. In addition, your intake of fruits and vegetables is less than the recommended amount of 8-10 servings per day. Research has shown that a vitamin/mineral supplement does not supply all of the micronutrients or fiber found in food. Your diet also appears to be low in dairy products or other calcium sources.

I would suggest that you visit the website and determine your calorie needs (and food plan) based on your gender, age, and activity level. You may also want to analyze your intake by using the MyPyramid Tracker on the website. For further information, seek counseling from a physician or registered dietitian regarding your nutrient needs.