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Are you getting tired of trying to lose weight but it feels like you are at a dead end? It is not surprising for many of us to make weight loss the biggest challenge in our life especially when we are close to reaching the level of obesity. According to the Medical Director of the Delray Center for Healing, Dr. Raul J. Rodriguez, year after year losing weight has become part of the New Year’s Resolution for many of us. Rodriguez admits that it is a reality that losing weight is quite difficult to attain but it is not impossible and you do need to buy PhenQ a supplement that can aid you in your weight loss journey in a proper way. 

Weight Loss Adversity – Why Weight Loss Regimen Fails

It has been a focus of study among weight-loss experts why about 90 percent of those trying to lose weight do not succeed to attain their fitness goals. Some studies point out the fact that obese individuals worked hard to lose significant pounds for a year of dieting and exercise only to regain back the weight they lost after 5 years of hardship. Weight loss experts express their points of view on why many of us fail to achieve our weight loss goals.

  1. Setting unrealistic goals

According to Barbel Knauper of McGill University, one may be trying to set unrealistic goals while undertaking their weight loss regimen. Setting your goal to lose 15 pounds in a matter of 1 month or less is quite unrealistic and one’s inability to attain this goal within their target period tends to frustrate them and eventually make them lose faith in the effectiveness of their workout or diet programs. Health experts and weight loss trainers suggest setting your goals of losing weight at least one to two pounds every week of intensive workout and diet. This should be a realistic goal that one should aim for.

  1. Socialization could be disastrous to your diet plan

Based on a study conducted by the Tufts-New England Medical Center led by Dr. Michael Dansinger, one of the three main causes, why a diet plan fails, is due to socialization. When people socialize, they usually eat out and drink and often get carried away with their meals. A pitfall when a person socializes more often without planning ahead about their diet is their failure to adhere to their regular meal plan.

Experts suggest that if you cannot avoid socializing, it is best to psych yourself prior to exposing yourself to social situations and be committed to setting limits and standing up for your weight loss goal. Instead of ordering large quantities of foods, you should order smaller ones instead. Moreover, you can insist on eating in diners that serve small quantities of food per serving.

  1. Do you feel deprived of eating the foods you like?

Dieters are often too engrossed in limiting their food intake to a point of food deprivation. This kind of approach to weight loss is quite disastrous, experts say because you are conditioning your mind that you are food-deprived and your guilt will eventually get to you. When you have the opportunity to eat, your tendency will be to feed yourself more than you should which defeats the purpose of your diet program.

Weight loss gurus suggest not to deprive yourself of eating the foods you like. A small serving once in a while will not hurt you. Starving the body will cause you to eat more and in order to avoid this kind of adversary, your best option would be to eat small servings at least six times a day. This will rev up your body’s metabolic process and will help you lose weight without starving yourself and end up feeding your body with a vengeance.

  1. Underestimating caloric intake while overestimating caloric burnout

This is a common pitfall that becomes a detriment to your successful achievement of losing weight. People tend to exercise vigorously and believing they have burned out enough calories it is alright to eat foods without counting their calorie intake. Most of the time, one overestimates how much fat they successfully burned which in reality is less than they actually consumed.

  1. Adherence to your diet and exercise program matters more

A study published by the Journal of the American Medical Association showed that one’s ability to adhere and be committed to their diet and exercise program matters more than the diet and exercise program itself. The lack of commitment to be faithful to your weight loss regimen is your common adversity that prevents you to become successful. In a comparison of the effects of weight loss regimens like the Atkins, Ornish, and Weight Watchers diets, there is no substantial and significant difference in terms of the weight loss effects. This goes to show that a dieter’s ability to adhere to their weight loss plan is more of essential value to attain their weight loss goals.

Should You Go on a Fad Diet? – What the Experts Say

Fad diets are just that, a fad. Experts opined that getting into a fad diet will be like going through a crash course dieting that will provide you short-term results. Weight loss professionals will always tell you time and again that there is no quick way of losing weight. Ideally and realistically, you would normally lose at least one to two pounds a week. Most fad diets promise losing weight more than this and you should start asking yourself is this safe? Weight loss experts will always advise dieters that the best approach to losing weight is to change your behavior and psych yourself to get more exercise and eat nutritious foods.

According to studies, fad diets advocate the weight loss approach that would disturb the body’s regular metabolic process, the negative effects of which could tend to last longer. Moreover, one is prohibited from eating certain food groups which could lead to nutritional deficiency. Although some fad diets will provide you quick results, these are mainly temporary and the moment you stop following your diet regimen, the effects are long term and you tend to gain more weight. Thus, weight loss experts always advocate the natural and safe weight loss approach that will be more sustainable and will provide long term weight loss benefits such as eating highly nutritious foods and consistently performing regular workouts to burn fats and calories naturally.

Workout Based on Your Comfort Zone

When discussing about exercise to lose weight, you will always ask what would be the best approach then? Dr. Timothy Church of the Pennington Biomedical Research Center answers this question simply by telling you to do the exercise that you can do. That is right! No complications. Just do some workouts that you will be more comfortable of doing and can sustain for a long term until you lose the weight that would be most ideal for you.

Ben Quist, a physical therapist expressed his opinion that the most common barriers why people fail to compete their weight loss regimen are injury and boredom. If you aim to lose weight, your ultimate goal would be to reduce your calorie intake and burn as much fat as you can. This is achievable but the problem mainly lies in how to achieve it. If biking could help you burn more calories, there is no sense in pursuing this kind of exercise if you don’t take pleasure in doing it and you end up never doing it at all. Instead, if you take the pleasure to walk or jog in the park, then do it instead and start getting more successful in keeping some pounds off your body eventually.

Cross-training is a good way of adding some varieties to your exercise workout. According to experts, in order to avoid getting bored with a particular exercise program, alternating from one kind of exercise training to another will prevent one from getting bored and it is good for the muscles in the body. Each kind of training workout recruits different muscles so try to add more varieties on your exercise options.

The challenge of losing weight only becomes frustrating when you don’t know where to start and how to do your exercise training and diet plan properly. Weight loss trainers usually advocate personalized exercise programs for those who want to lose weight. Being within your comfort zone will likely make a specific exercise more sustainable to perform than to follow the pattern of exercise training used by others that you can’t do well.

Pursue Your Weight Loss Goals and Make it Happen

Weight loss experts usually point out that the failure to achieve one’s weight loss goals is not caused by the kind of regimen that one undertakes but it is in the mindset of the person. Indeed, losing weight is about producing results and one of the strongest influences in attaining and failing this goal is on the mind and behavior. Making lifestyle changes and developing a more personalized and sustainable weight loss activity that will produce a better result is more important in attaining your ultimate goal of losing weight.